Woohooo...Lost World , this is the 1st time to visit Lost World. My buddies jio me for a sudden trip , suddenly plan to Lost World of Tambun , so exicited ...the nxt day, Wednesday morning , i wake up at 7.30am and get ready , Alex fetch me at 8.30am ,then we hav our breakfast at Guan Nam chaileng park...
im sitting on the passenger seat, be the advisor for the driver , ask him to slow down -.-'''

on our way to Lost World

cool sf , acting with shade ...haha
Actually we goin to drive 2 cars to Ipoh , our aggressive driver ,Adrian want us to sit on in car ,refuse to drive drive another .... so total 8 of us travel to Ipoh in his LEXUS lor -.-''' this boy really speed , 1hour30++minutes we reach Lost World safely -.-''' ...it was week days , so not much ppl there , oni hav 25 ppl inside nia when we reached...when we reach there, evryone was vry excited jumping and shouting(done by sing fatt) ,after purchasing our ticket ,RM 25 for each adult and RM 39 de ticket with tube ,lunch ,and a gift included with then we faster change ourselves and started to get ourselves wet... our trip member are me , elvin , jaeron , adrian , sing fatt , alex , wk , khem sik
the boy who named sing fatt

so happy ^^

lol ... i dnt rmb which one is mine le

hi 5 from me ^^ the girl beside me is naked :)

under the mushroom

buddies forever(alex so cute) lol...

after our lunch , we continue our activities , cnt waste too much time ... haha we sit on our tube and let it float along the drain which hav wave de ... tat was the fun part , too bad din have any picture for that. After that we go for bicycle ride and also volley ball at the beach side, haha.
dig-in our meal (in naked??!!)

the water , so cold ^^
jt , sing fatt and khem sik
goin home luu... take some picha b4 leaving :p

luks so tired liao

memorable day
It was a best day i ever spend with my buddies , evrything juz fun and exicited , :p and time past vry fast , 5.30 pm , the theme park goin to closed le , life guard stopped watever we're doin ... well tatz it ... :( we reach penang at bout 7.30pm, then we hav our dinner at butterworth , raja uda de Joo Heng tomyam mee ... few days later (friday night)goin to genting with my IRC crew again , goin to bring along my laptop , and do my blogging at there ^^ to all my buddies , plz ...kip in touch , no matter how muzy we are
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